Manzanar: Both Sides Now

Revisionist history once was associated with Soviet Russia, where leaders repeatedly erased the names of disfavored revolutionaries like Trotsky and Malenkov from the nation’s collective memory and airbrushed rivals from old photos. Today it is increasingly prevalent in the United States. One organization you might expect to dispense unadulterated history is the National Park Service, but its “interpreters” readily inject p.c. bias. Certainly this is the case at the Manzanar National Historic Site in California’s Eastern Sierra…


Montreal is 375-Years Old and is Hosting a Year Long Birthday Party By Jacqueline Swartz Montreal is celebrating its 375th birthday this year. The French-Canadian city on the St Lawrence River has long been known for its festivals, including the dramatic, mostly outdoor Festival of Lights in freezing February. But this year will be special.…


Pasadena Craftsmanship By David DeVoss Every New Year’s Day America turns its attention to Pasadena, California to watch the Rose Parade and the Rose Bowl football game, which this year will showcase Penn State and the University of Southern California. The spectacles are marvelous advertisements for the city, which almost always enjoys winter sunshine while…

Cuba Opens for Business

Cuba Flirts With U.S. Entrepreneurs, But Courtship Can Be Challenging   By David DeVoss Seattle tour operator Zach Smith built into a $15 million travel business by offering customized tours to exotic locations in Latin America. The 35-year old entrepreneur knew from ten year’s experience that small and medium-sized companies like his must constantly…

Branson entertainment and Ozark values attract all faiths, creeds and cultures

  Branson Entertainment and Ozark values attract all faiths, creeds and cultures by David DeVoss When I told neighbors in Los Angeles that I was going to Branson, Missouri. their facial reactions embodied the word consternation. “Isn’t that the Christian country place,” they responded nervously, attempting to elicit information without giving offense. “Why not just…