
With the End of COVID-19 we’re Hitting the Road for Vacation. Will our History Still Be There?

Four of our greatest presidents. Or two slave owners, a racist and an Indian killer? Will a Minnesota beat cop’s act of brutality change America’s perception of its past? By Mark Orwoll There are countless paths across America. I’ve followed many of them. Route 66, with its tepee motels, trading posts, and homey cafés. The…


U.S.- Canada border closure diminishes travel economies on both sides of the St. Lawrence River

By Ben Oleksinski There are some places in the world where political boundaries don’t prevent foreigners from becoming neighbors and people living astride the frontier share experiences and economies with friends from the other side. One such place is the U.S.-Canada border where friends holding different passports share some of the hemisphere’s  best fishing and…


El Paso and Juarez are two cities whose common language and history bridge the Rio Grande river border

“Three cities, two countries, one region”, remarked former Texas State Senator Jose Rodriquez referring to El Paso Texas, Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua Mexico, the United States and Mexico.   The saying is something you hear a lot in these parts, especially when it comes to El Paso and Ciudad Juarez, the Mexican city just across the…

Trout Fishing California Sierra Mountains

Trout fishing in California’s Eastern Sierra offers serenity, solitude and social distancing. It’s the perfect vacation for this coronavirus summer

By: David DeVoss “In the Arctic half-light of the canyon all existence fades to a being with my soul and memories and sounds of the Big Blackfoot River, a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise. Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.” The moment I read…